I just realized that I smell. I am so embarrassed. But not too embarrassed to share with the internet.
I think Momo is realizing his time as top dog is rapidly falling away. Bill will be back from Alaska in 33 days (gone for 26 already, but who's counting?) and then less than 100 days (we hope) til the baby arrives. That must be why this morning he did the sweetest Mo thang in months.
I sat up in bed and he got up from where he was snoozing at my feet. I sat cross-legged and he came right over and plunked himself down, his head in my lap. This is unusual because his
normal response to my waking up is to roll around on his back making snarly and spitty noises and to try and grab ahold of my flesh with his mouth. It's not aggressive, just annoying. (I think it just feels good to him to wiggly around and stretch.)
He just stayed there for a while, whilst I rubbed his back. Then I realized he had one ear pressed against my belly. I think the Momo was having a moment with the Eva.
I've been stymied in my quest for Scandavian design. So I need to get a wardrobe for our closetless bedroom, to get rid of the HUGE shelf and rod combo we have in there now. (which also exposes the shoulders of all my jackets and shirts to dust...) When in the San Francisco, Bill and I both noticed the Alana's loverly wardrobe, an IKEA $80 special.
Now, the nearest IKEA is in Montreal. How Handy! But the wardrobe is too long to fit in my car. And Bill can't go to Canada. And I am afraid that me driving the truck of a man banned from a country into said country will be a big old pain in the arse. and wrestling a big old wardrobe. When I was in CT over Labor Day my mom and a debated buying it at the New Haven store, but alas...too long for my car. So I ordered it online! Three weeks ago and got an answer that said, Wait to hear back from us for a week and we will give you shipping costs and charge your credit card.
And nothing.
Today I called. The shipping would be $240 on an $80 wardrobe.
So now, we must wait til November, when we are in CT for my shower with the truck and we can go to IKEA and buy it there. Or I should just find another $80 wardrobe that doesn't look like crap at the local Wal*Mart. Oh, I am funny. Hardee Har Har.
I was telling this story to
the Alana, when the main character walked I will retell it here...
Last week, a man called Ye Olde Bunkhouse about getting a room for this weekend so he could do the early bear hunting with his dad. He left a message, asking for Bill, so I called him back and said.."This is Martha, Bill's wife. Yes we have space, see you this weekend."
So why did he walk into the Bunkhouse on Saturday afternoon and declare..."You're not Pam!" No. I'm not my husband's ex-wife. And if you were not a MORON you would have realized that when I left a message saying who I am. Which, it turns out, he heard perfectly well.
He later annoyed me MORE by asking my age. And asking how long Bill and I had been together.
His dad, though, was perfectly nice.
Which leads me to this...why is it that in 80% of the father/son fishing/hunting pairs we see, the Dad is a doll and the grown son is a moron? The two exceptions I can name are a father and son who are both dolls AND the father who is a moron and the son who isn't OLD enough to be a moron yet.
Bill is lucky we aren't having a boy, because at least with a girl we have a chance to keep the number of morons in our family to none. Most days.
Bill called from Alaska! All is well, he's having an great time...but he is now very curious about my haircut- the news of which I sandwiched between "I mowed the lawn" and "Bob lost his primary." I love to hear from him but it makes me miss him more.
On Saturday, I went up to Tupper Lake to tour the Natural History Musuem they are building there...amazing. I sent them some money this morning. So all you who feel the urge to visit me should come after July 4th next year, so we can go after it opens.
How can you resist the power of the momostare?
I like to live up here because I got to pick out limes on Sunday with one of my all time favorite writers (who has also had not one, but TWO great movies, made from his books...) and THEN I ran into him again in the toilet paper aisle.
Plus the guy who sells me my weekly bagel order finally acknowdged my returning presence. I think he just figured out I am not a seasonal resident.
I don't like to live up here with gas prices and a 15 mile ride to the grocery store and 35.6 miles to work.