This afternoon one of our educators let me try on the empathy belly, which simulates 8 months of pregnancy. It wasn't so bad, until I tried to walk and ended up waddling. Then I sat down. Then she had me lie on floor. Couldn't get up. I just rolled back and forth, like a giant upended junebug in a denim smock.
My husband is off again, sailing the seas, dragging for squid and whiting in the Gulf of Maine at
Wilkinson Basin. Not sure when he will be back, but I hope he'll be around in the middle of February. We have some important work to do then.
The third Paris Hilton dream, in which she introduced me to her new boyfriend, Pale Male, took place on Christmas Eve. When I asked her how it was to date a bird who can not talk, dance, or make out with her, she told me it did not matter, because their children would be able to fly.
Will it never end? Now the drain out of our house is frozen. Causing major water back up. But at least the furnace is going again. For now.
All signs point to me alone after Christmas...maybe for a week maybe for three, or more. Sounds like Bill will be off shore, making money fishing for whiting and squid. We are now headed to my Mom's on Friday to spend Xmas with her.
Had to turn off the furnace last night, as the knocking and sputtering was scaring the CRAP out of us. Even though we now have a blend of diesel and kerosene in our heating oil tank. What a nightmare.
We are seriously considering a move to somewhere warmer. Like Alaska.
Woke up this morning to the sound of an unbalanced load in the washing machine. Took a minute to figure out that I wasn't doing any laundry. Seems that it was so cold that the heating oil line FROZE. So the furnace was trying to kick in, but couldn't get enough fuel to do so. Just lovely.
Not a great beginning to a week that I had hoped would be better than the one before, which ended with my husband being out of a job. Oh yes. Bill does not suffer fools. Unfortunately, they are foolish and don't suffer him either. Anyway. He's now talking to some guys with fishing boats, and maybe leaving for a trip as early as the end of the week. Which is Christmas. He can't leave until I have heat.
A bunch of us here at work have decided that we are going to grow our hair to donate to Locks of Love. You need 10 inches of hair that is not chemically damaged. I have about six I could give up now, for a really short cut, but my goal is to donate 12 inches and still have longer than chin length hair. I wish I had known that it could be color treated before, as I cut off a
lot of hair postwedding and some of that was probably still a little dyed.
If my parents didn't read this, I might brag about how awesome my husband is, and how he left a chocolate and something that rhymes with "horn" on my pillow last night.
I have my first chirpopractic appointment tomorrow, and I hope all my problems, including sciatic, migraines and TMJ will be solved.
My poor little car did not want to wake up this morning. And neither did Bill, when I dargged him out of bed to help me jump start little Trixie. So he was super thrilled that I was actually able to get her started when he was standing there, in the snow. As I pulled out the driveway I yelled my Christmas wish to him...
"AAA Membership!"
We had our cookie party yesterday, and despite two days of panic over the possibility of running out of cookies, I am left with DOZENS of gingerbread mooses, sugar and ginger cookies, and Mexican wedding cakes. The macaroons (both kinds) are gone, though.
Finally. A real winter storm is coming.
If it weren't scheduled for Friday night, I'd be pisssed. But I don't have anywhere to go Saturday except for to slide down the hill a mile or two to have my car inspected.
Please forgive for I must now whine.
Holiday stress has caused me back pain. Much of this stress is due to money and gifts, of course. And because of this I now can't afford to get the massage I so desperately need.
Why didn't Joseph Heller write Catch 22 about that???
In other news, I had a second Paris Hilton dream (the first was almost a year ago and involved us doin each other's makeup and discussing her sex tape.) This time, I was doing a nude photo shoot for some reason and she came in to say hi. Since she was there, I could only be photographed topless. Some arcane law about sex shows. Of course it wasn't even a pornish nude photoshoot, more like a classy artistic nude photoshoot.
Anyway, Paris was such a doll about it. She didn't leave, of course, but she did bring me a cup of tea.
Please note the taxidermied racoon wondering wht he is climbing a disembodied section of tree when there is a whole tree right over there.
Yesterday we got our Christmas tree. There's now snow on the ground. We went to a tree farm that I pass everyday on my way to and from work. They have a sign boasting $15 trees and we are cheap so it seemed good to us. At first we thought the only fifteen dollar trees were the ones already cut and that would have been okay, but not great. Imagine our surprise when the woman told us we could go pick our own! (and by pick I mean chop down.) We were then prepared to not find a tree we liked at that price and to have to wander into the $20 tree areas. Shouldn't have been worried, as Bill and I are GENIUSES at choosing trees and found the most perfect one.
And guess who did the cutting down? ME! I made him drag that mother up and over the hill though. To make him feel, you know, useful.
Somehow I got myself the job of getting a new floor for one of our offices by the end of the year. It's the office on the other side of our service area, of course. Remind me never to say yes....
In more pleasant end of the year tasks, I have decided that it is time for the Stahls to throw a holiday party. Since Bill is now working nights, it will have to be a late afternoon affair so he can be a.) there and b.) awake. So we've decided on 2 until 5 on December 12th. Nevermind that that is just ten days a week and I have yet to invite or tell anyone. Still. Consider yourselves invited. Not that many of you are close enough to come, but a cookie party sounds like fun, no? Plus we'll have queso, because it is the feast day of the Virgen de Guadalupe.